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The new year brings new possibilities and new opportunities for everyone to thrive. Unfortunately, that is also the case for thieves that want to break into your home. Don’t fall victim to criminals’ devious intentions. Reach out to VX Networks in the Niagara Region to make sure that your home stays secure in 2022. Here are a few more tips for keeping your space safe year-round.

Maintain Your Locks

Regularly maintaining the locks on your windows and doors takes little time and effort, but it can make all the difference when someone is attempting to break in. Locks break and degrade with use and, while easy to overlook, should be something that you pay attention to in order to be sure that your home is secure.

Get a Video Surveillance System

In the event that an intruder does manage to break into your home, whether you’re there or not, a good way to scare them off is a video surveillance system. Once they see cameras on them, they tend to run. If they are successful in their theft, cameras leave you with cold hard evidence to hand over to the police.

Increase Exterior Lighting

Criminals often like to operate from the shadows in order to avoid detection. That is why one of the best passive forms of keeping your property safe is to increase the amount of exterior lighting around your home. It ensures that thieves are brought out of those shadows and into the light — somewhere they really don’t like to be.

A person receiving a notification from their home security system

Install a Security System

One of the best ways that you can prevent home break-ins and theft is by installing a modern, comprehensive security system. If someone does manage to get in, the system can engage, set off an alarm, and even contact the police for you and send them your way so you can focus on staying safe from the intruder.

Go through this year with peace of mind, knowing that you, your family, and your property are safe and sound. 

Be proactive in protecting the safety of yourself and your family with a security system. Contact VX Networks and find out how we can help keep your home safe and sound now!